Tuesday, November 11, 2008


November 11, 2008
This is my first attempt at using pastel. The couple at the left, I perceived to be young and in love, with two older ladies watching them, reminiscing. The guy to the right has things to do and places to go and has no interest in the show, he's just waiting for the light to change. So this was my interpretation of the scene. It started out as just a drawing to nail down my composition ideas, then I decided to try some pastels I have, "just trying out colors." Before I knew it I had too much work invested and made it my final submission because the deadline was fast approaching! http://differentstrokesfromdifferentfolks.blogspot.com/ 8" x 10 1/2", pastel on paper.


dominique eichi said...

I love the loose feel even the border drawn,great colors too.
And the detail of what you see happening : )

Anonymous said...

hi Camille,
the concept of the reds in the shadow of the young couple 'in love' is warming and adds such emotion to your piece.
I love it,
Betty Ann

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Thank you Dominique and Betty Ann! I can't seem to keep my imagination from inventing stories about the people. I guess it's my way of trying to figure out the purpose of even painting it at all. I said they're "in love" but what I really meant was "they got it goin' on" if ya know what I mean, hence the Victoria's Secret hot pink shadow :) Oh, why not?! :) Thanks again guys

Bruce Docker said...

I like the change to pastels. The color vatiation in the shadows is very cool. bd

Connie said...

Love the title, haha! I hope you had fun with the pastels...you've done a great job with them.

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Thanks Bruce and Connie, the pastels were tricky to manipulate with those big uneven tips. I'll google and find out if people sharpen them or if they just bungle along until they're more manageable. I'm still tempted to paint another version really quick. But then if I procrastinate that a little while it will be time for the new photo to be posted - yessss!

Racie Lover said...

Love all your work, Camille. How did you know they were in love?

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Hey, Gracie! Well, I think their close proximity to each other in the reference photo was a clue. And besides, maybe I just wanted them to be in love, how 'bout that? Mostly I just wanted them to be in their own little hormone-fueled world together, because that's fun to paint, much more fun than the guy waiting for the light to change. Hey everyone, click on this girl's name, (Racie Lover) she has a funny blog. Thanks for the stop-by, Gracie!