Sunday, March 29, 2009

Beach Girl

My husband is a big fan of paintings of pretty girls so he loves this one. 10 x 8 oil on canvas.


Edward Burton said...

Ahhh, beautiful job, Camille! The previous posting was very good, but you made it even nicer. Great job with the figure - very solid with wonderful warm skin tones (after having enlarged it, I really like how you did the hair). The waves and sky are very well done too!

dominique eichi said...

I LOve "your normal picture" I love the pink line in the water/sand . Your wondrous ability to see things a bit differently is wonderful too and I look forward to all your pieces.

christine said...

Great job, Camille! I like how you reversed her orientation so she seems to be looking the other way. It reads well this way.

Gwen Bell said...

Love the cropping, the brush strokes, the colors....well....make that EVERYTHING!

Bruce Docker said...

This is pretty cool for normal, I would have been surprised to see this elsewhere and the find it was by you. I think it's the colors as much as anything that make it seem different. Mr O is right, who doesn't like a picture of a pretty girl?

CONRAD said...

Nice bright sky on the upper left, gives the painting a good balance. Very good.

r garriott said...

Gosh she's beautiful! Wish I could paint like that!

Beth said...

Your paintings are just awesome. I picked the baseball cap-guy, but I may paint her as well. I am new-ish to painting humans, but am trying to follow the 'one spot of color next to the other' rule. I really love your blog. Congrats on the awards!!

artbyakiko said...

Beautiful! You reversed her! Great skin tone. Also love the composition.

L.Holm said...

Great composition and gorgeous color. thanks for visiting my site. Glad to find your beautiful work!