Saturday, November 7, 2009


I wanted this to be super loose to convey the movement of my friend KK's dog Shiner having fun with his tennis ball. I had it even looser than this but, you know how that goes! This is really small for me but I may do a 12x12 oil of it for the Maranda Pleasant show in Austin on December 5th. 5x5 acrylic on canvas. Private Collection.


Edward Burton said...

Wonderful painting, Camille! You really caught Shiner's energy. Plus, really cool use of color.

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Thank you, Edward!

Caio Fern said...

this got so pretyy energetic and strong !!!
the sise doesn't mean nothing . this is huge !!

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Caio, I think I made him almost scary but a dog with a ball can get a little crazy-looking. Glad you like!

Pattie Wall said...

This doggie is crazy looking indeed - that's what dogs look like when they are havin fun! I like the blues you used! Waitin for more!

Gwen Bell said...

You've captured so much personality in this! Great energy and color!

Bruce Docker said...

purple/yellow dog is very cool. Not just the colors, but also the perspective that makes the ball almost as big as his head.

Donna Crosby said...

Colors and expression are spot on Ms Camille.

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

I like it too - a real 'action' painting! Hard to DO! I even love the creamy colors of the background. Please post the larger one you do, too, OK?

Claude Richard said...

Nice creations and colors !

Vern Schwarz said...

Very nice Camille. I love the aura of green around Shiner. This pooch is in a happy place.