Saturday, February 20, 2010

B&W & Red Self-Portrait

Choosing one color for this self-portrait wasn't an easy decision, but those were the rules at Alice Thompson's new challenge site, Calypso Moon Artist Movement. Black and white plus only one other color. I almost used transparent oxide red which is a warm brown. I chose Rembrandt's Permanent Red Medium because it is a nice warm red (has some yellow in it), and I thought black plus white would be close enough to blue. Therefore I had something close to the three primaries to work with. It's funny I chose red because it used to be (decades ago) my least favorite color in the world. Now I have come to embrace red and I enjoy the punch of it. To me, red really delivers a nice zing with black, gray and white and I thought it would give good skin tones. I wish I could say I chose it for some deep, symbolic, intellectual reason. Nope!
Alice also wanted us to include some shoulder area. Next time I'll do a pose that is less frontal because I've got broad shoulders and this has sort of a Ten-HUT! feeling to it. But it was fun and I'm glad I participated. 16 x 16 oil on board.


Vern Schwarz said...

Camille, this is very well painted. It's interesting how many colours appear here even though you only used red of some kind. Looks like yellow ochre in the didn't cheat did ya...ha? Love the painting. Now I don't feel so bad leaving little digs from time to time with those broad shoulders of yours.

Word verification was you see, I had to leave the last comment!

Cathie Tonkins said...

I think the painting turned out great!
What is the link to Alice Thompson's challenge site?

Calypso Moon Artist Movement said...

I’d trust this woman. Look at the way she presents herself. Standing tall, well centered, shoulders squared, hair balanced with a piercing gaze. A gentle smile with a healthy pink glow. The deep red background says that she has strength to back her up. The red earrings tell me that you are passionate when you listen. I can’t also help but notice the vulnerability in how softly she is painted. Thank you Camille.

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Cathie, I just put Alice's link in that entry, thanks for the reminder. And glad you liked the painting! The link is:

Vern, I swear on my mother's head that I just used a warm medium red (which I knew leaned toward orange) -- she didn't say it had to be a warm or a cool color, just ONE color, and that's what it was! -- duuuude. And when I added JUST the perfect degree of black it gave me a surprisingly warm brown which next to the black, looks ochre-y. Remember, everything's relative! My eyes look green but they're gray! Pretty cool that I fooled ya! :) I swear, I followed the rules to a T -- maybe I'll email you a photo of the palette sheet.

Earthula said...

It is Great, Camille.
And that we each will express the wonder of learning something.. All the color results from 3 colors.
The amazing shades of grey. Thank you for your observations.

I love Alice's interpretation of your work.
Passionate listening! too good.

Caio Fern said...

more and more your presonal style amaizes me .
this work has an "atmosphere" of light ... the work of whites and reds is fantastic .

bondearte said...

The colors are very well distributed!
I liked the pink hue that you said to your face.
I also like the expression of blue eyes.
Congratulations, this is a good work!!

Dana Cooper said...

This is great Camille, I think the red you chose was a great choice to add warmth to the black and white.

Art By Erika said...

Lovely portrait! Enjoyed your thoughts on this process Camille. I love your color and brand choice very much.

Edward Burton said...

Wonderful self portrait, Camille! That's the color I would have picked for myself.

Angela Elledge said...

Beautiful! I love the color red and this is red done well!!

Autumn Leaves said...

I was thinking just how blue your eyes looked in this painting so enjoyed reading about your thoughts on these three colors, Camille. I think this is an awesome painting!

William Cook said...

Wonderful painting Camille and a very interesting new challenge group. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Annie said...

I love the expression on the face that you've captured: beautiful, soft, open.

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Thanks, everybody!

Carol Horzempa said...

Wow Camille! Your portrait is the warm and cool colors in your flesh tones.

I see you chose the same red I did. It's hard to believe you can get so many colors with just those three but you did a fantastic job. Even your black looks blue next to the the warm red.

Great job Camille!

Mark Adams said...

Camille, My wife was looking over my shoulder when I first saw your self-portrait. "Hey, she didn't just use one color" she exclaimed. I assured her that using a warm red and a cool black could give you this result. I love your sensitive handling of the paint. Something tells me you have perfect posture, too.

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

I think it's great just the way it is! Shoulders, schmoulders. I was just talking about my broad shoulders (I keep them looking smaller by hunching, but I wouldn't advise it) and my smallish head combining to prevent me from ever having a short haircut!

I think we should all do self portraits! Oh, I guess that 's right, you ARE doing them! ;0