Thursday, November 14, 2013

Meghan Morongova 1

This is the first portrait I did of Meghan in August from a two hour sitting. The second one is below.  Just the slightest changes in proportions and placement of features make them look very different from each other. I had to give this to Meghan to hang in the show when I wasn't quite done with the mouth and it isn't even varnished but she tells me her husband has it hanging proudly over his desk. I think I captured her essence a little better in this one but style-wise I prefer the second one. Which works out great because I get to look at it here in my house :-)  This is in oil on a panel and is just slightly smaller than the one below but I don't have the exact dimensions at the moment.


Vern Schwarz said...

Both are cool paintings with entirely different feels to them. One has distinctive Camille colours, and yet they both are obviously done by you. In this painting she appears to be looking at something or nothing while deep in thought.

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Hello Vern my friend! Sorry for the late reply, we went to the lake all yesterday.

I love it that you can tell they were both done by me even if to me the styles look pretty different. I did the pink-background one from a photo only, and this one was modified from a photo after the live session. If I had my druthers I would do only live session figurative paintings, but MAN would I be BROKE!

As always I really appreciate your input and insights. :D

weekend et coup de brosse said...

Magnifique travail! Très joli post! je te souhaite aussi de très belles fêtes de fin d'année accompagnées de joie et bonheur !
Belle journée à toi, et merci de tes visites sur mes pages!