Monday, October 24, 2011

Faith Rescued

6 x 8 oil on canvas
I have some friends who are heavily involved with GALT, the Greyhound Adoption League of Texas.  This is their very special foster dog Faith who when taken from a home in Fort Worth, was covered in ticks and fleas, had intestinal parasites galore and a litter of puppies to boot.  She also has tested positive for Ehrlichia. This photo shows her just after her rescue, getting some TLC finally.  She has had expensive surgeries and GALT is trying to raise money on December 3rd at their art auction in Dallas, to pay for her surgery and care (as well as for their other rescued greyhounds).  So I am trying my hand at painting this breed for the first time in hopes of making a bigger, better painting that might help raise some money at their auction.  Even with all her troubles she has had, she is a beautiful girl and I sense that she really appreciates being rescued.  She has also been reunited with her puppies.  I think I saw a trace of a smile on her face in my reference photo.  Oh, you know dogs smile!  Oh yes they do.


martinealison said...

Très belle peinture... Et un geste qui vous honore... Oui les chiens sourient... Mes dalmatiens rient beaucoup même...
Gros bisous

carol morgan carmichael said...

Camille, I am sorry to say that I am way behind in keeping up with blog posts. Anyhoo...really enjoyed seeing your work. Such a Van Gogh feel to your work. I LOVE Van Gogh. Really nice!
Just don't go cutting off any body parts.

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Merci, Martine-Alison! Oui, tous les chiens rient!

Carol, I have gotten Horrible about checking out other people's blogs, so no worries. And thanks for the wonderful compliment re: Van Gogh. I will try to keep myself intact - will stay away from knives!

Unknown said...

Thank you for painting this sweet girl. It gives me faith to know rescuers are out there like your friends Camille! I have a little rescue girl snoring at my feet right now, and it took her a while to learn to waggle her tail again. It is worth all the gold in the world to see these babies when they get their joy back!

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

I really admire you and these friends of mine for having rescue dogs. I can't wait to see the Pugoween photos! Have fun, Nancy!

hmuxo said...

Yes, Camille.. I believe that dogs smile...and I also know that I smiled reading your wonderful post. I love the painting of this rescue girl. Beautifully painted!!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I'm also remiss in my blog visits although having the thumbnail sidebar does lure me. SO many blogs So little time.
Anyway, I love the outcome but these stories break my heart because I know there are the 'unrescued' still out there.
God help us all for the suffering in this world.

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Thanks Hilda!

Mary, I'm *terrible* about visiting blogs lately so don't worry! Thanks for stopping by.